Monday, April 6, 2009

Scary but Good news

I got a phone call the other day to let me know I could go into hospital on the 16th April to have my shoulder done. ( for those that don't know I (apparently) have a spur growth on my shoulder that points itself into the tendons of my arm causing a lot of pain) I have been waiting over 2 yours to get this done, my original surgeon left Burnie and now there is apparently some locums here to do some catch up surgeries. I am off today to meet my new surgeon and then next Thursday I go "under the knife" I actually am quite scared about the whole thing. But hey, Imagine the crafting I can do with a "good" shoulder lol.

I also am on Twitter (does that mean I am a twit???) follow me here

thats it for today.... til next time .... Carol xx


Craft-a-licious said...

Wishing you all the best with your surgery Carol and a speedy recovery...Kerri :)

Jacinta said...

Ouch, I hope the surgery is not delayed any further and that you have a quick (and crafty) recovery.

manda said...

Oh dear! My Dad had the same with his ankle, and....well I won't scare you with the complications he had but everything finally came good. He still gets a slight limp every now and then though...

Jules of Whimsicalnotions blog said...

thats terrible they cancel on you when you are so worried and keyed up i hate that.I hope its done soon its terrible to haver a spur.I have a heel spur tahts bad enough !